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Facebook Live: Impostor Syndrome

This week’s LIVE is diving into the topic of Impostor Syndrome! No matter what we believe we ALL suffer from this at one time or another.

It is that voice that tells you to play it safe. That voice that reminds you of all the reasons you should not even be here in the first place. That, in one way or another, you are not good enough.

My friend, we all hear a voice like that. All.Of.Us. I promise you.

You have a choice when you hear that voice: You can believe it. Or you can choose to think something else.

It is that simple. I did not say easy, but simple.

Join me on Thursday January 30, 2020 at 12pm MST to dive in to the topic of Impostor Syndrome, where it comes from, and ways to begin managing it so it serves you better.